Beltway 8-North Mainlanes Eastbound
From | To | Data Age | Distance (miles) | Link Travel Time(m:ss) | Cumulative Travel Time(m:ss) | Speed(mph) | |
Fallbrook | Fairbanks-North Houston | 10:15:56 PM | 1.80 | 1:39 | 1:39 | 65 |  |
Fairbanks-North Houston | Hollister | 10:15:56 PM | 1.70 | 1:18 | 2:57 | 78 |  |
Hollister | North Toll Plaza | 10:15:56 PM | 2.10 | 2:01 | 4:58 | 62 |  |
North Toll Plaza | Ella | 10:15:56 PM | 2.40 | 2:19 | 7:17 | 62 |  |
Ella | Hardy Toll Road | 10:15:56 PM | 3.90 | 3:02 | 10:19 | 77 |  |
Hardy Toll Road | John F Kennedy Blvd | 10:15:56 PM | 2.70 | 3:11 | 13:30 | 51 |  |
John F Kennedy Blvd | Wilson Rd | 10:15:56 PM | 3.80 | 3:41 | 17:11 | 62 |  |
Summary | 18.4 | 17:11 | 17:11 | 64 |  |
Beltway 8-North Mainlanes Westbound
From | To | Data Age | Distance (miles) | Link Travel Time(m:ss) | Cumulative Travel Time(m:ss) | Speed(mph) | |
Wilson Rd | John F Kennedy Blvd | - | 3.80 | Not Available |  |
John F Kennedy Blvd | Hardy Toll Road | 10:15:56 PM | 2.70 | 3:14 | 3:13 | 50 |  |
Hardy Toll Road | Ella | 10:15:56 PM | 3.90 | 3:10 | 6:23 | 74 |  |
Ella | North Toll Plaza | 10:15:56 PM | 2.40 | 2:17 | 8:40 | 63 |  |
North Toll Plaza | Hollister | 10:15:56 PM | 2.10 | 1:50 | 10:30 | 69 |  |
Hollister | Fairbanks-North Houston | 10:15:56 PM | 1.70 | 1:36 | 12:06 | 64 |  |
Fairbanks-North Houston | Fallbrook | 10:15:56 PM | 1.80 | 1:50 | 13:56 | 59 |  |
Summary | 18.4 | Not Available |  |